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Laura Anne Gilman 's Books

A very well recieved series by Laura Anne Gilman are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are West Winds' Fool and Other Stories of the Devil's West, Gabriel's Road, Morgain's Revenge, The Shattered Vine, Laura Anne Gilman - Tales of the Cosa Nostradamus, The Camelot Spell, VISITORS, Staying Dead, Silver on the Road, Weight of Stone, Promises to Keep, Tricks of the Trade psi-3, Blood from Stone, Soul of Fire tp-2, Pack of Lies [2], Burning Bridges, The Work of Hunters, Miles to Go, Pack of Lies psi-2, Tricks of the Trade, Hard Magic, Bring It On, Darkly Human, The Cold Eye, An Interrupted Cry, Soul of Fire, Hard Magic psi-1, The Shadow Companion, Flesh and Fire, which was published in 2022.